Saturday, May 16, 2020

Vitamin Supplements And The Body Needs - 915 Words

Today in society, many individuals do not receive the essential vitamins that the body needs to maintain good health. Does one ever wonder how the body can receive the necessary vitamins that it needs to maintain equilibrium? Vitamin supplements can be found in the form of a liquid, pill, or powder. Individuals can obtain the vitamins through a prescription from their physician or over the counter. The supplements help the body receive the vitamins that they are not obtaining through their daily diet. To receive the nourishment the body needs, there are a variety of supplements that can be obtained.Vitamin supplements are beneficial because they provide nutrition that the body needs, treats different diseases, and prevents deficiencies that contribute to chronic conditions. A healthy fix to the body is a simple step away. In today s world, many individuals tend to eat the quickest and easiest food available to fill their hunger needs, but the food choices they make do not have the vitamins that the body needs. Everyone has a daily diet that they stick with and it may be lacking the nutrition crucial for life. Some people try to eat the basic foods to obtain the essential vitamins needed and in the end they are still lacking, but if you’re doing your best to eat healthy foods but still are deficient in some areas, supplements can help (Vitamin Supplements: Healthy or Hoax?). The supplements provide the nutrition that the body does not receive through the dailyShow MoreRelatedIs It Necessary to Take Vitamin Supplements? Essay913 Words   |  4 Pages‘What are vitamins – and who needs them’? Vitamins are essential substances that cannot be manufactured by the body. We need small amounts of vitamins for growth and development. Without vitamins the body cannot survive. 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There s a decent chance that you ve been told to take vitamins one or maybe a thousand times in your life. But what are vitamins? The exact answer to that question isn t known by very many people. What vitamins are is nutrients that are needed by an organism in order to be healthy and, in some cases, to survive. The most common types of vitamins are: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. There are many different types of Vitamin B includingRead MoreVitamin C : A Health Promoting Nutritional Supplement1587 Words   |  7 PagesVitamin C: A Health Promoting Nutritional Supplement There are many substances that occur naturally or that are manufactured through processes in the laboratory, which function to enhance the nutritional content of the food that composes one’s diet. 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There are a lot of ways to stay healthy such as medical checkups, exercise, stress reduction, adequate sleep and eating properly. A healthy diet includes avoiding foods with poor nutrition, eating certain foods and taking supplements. Health supplements reduce deficiencies in the bodies of people who need nutrients and cannot find them in nature. The amount of money spent by Americans on health supplements per year is around one and a half to two billion dollars, so supplements are aRead MoreHealth Concerns And Its Effects On Health Essay1442 Words   |  6 PagesWalking through a strip mall, the allure of a GNC or a Vitamin Shoppe can be hard to resist. Enter through the front doors and get lost in wall-to-wall shelves of products addressing health concerns so obscure that even the most neurotic hypochondriac would feel at ease. There are probiotics, herbal therapies, bodybuilding supplements, smart pills, beverage infusions, vitamins and minerals, you name it. The products on these shelves represent the fruits of a thirty billion dollar industry that capitalizes

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